those were the days. the old gang can just get together and just have fun like we are still half our current ages (ehem). the venue was ahu's house, cny'09. this was a spontaneous act. ahu, upon realizing the fact that he has hit another milestone in his life, suddenly can't take it anymore! but luckily a liverpool supporter was there. You'll Never Walk Alone ahu! errr... problem is, there's only one knife...
glad jimong was there to capture the moment. i still had the best fun with you bunch (you knoe who you are). too bad a few were missing on the day. reli fun stuff. :D hahahaha still laughing everytime i remember this moment. there are things money cant buy, and this is one of them :)
mum is not going to like this ;)
photo courtesy of
jimongin this photo: me and